Children’s Ministry
What to Expect

Most Sundays you’ll find a friendly Children’s Ministry Team member at the sign in table near the main (north) entrance. Parents or guardians can sign in kids ranging from Kindergarten to 5th grade. Afterward, we worship together until just before the sermon. At that time, the preacher will invite all the leaders and students to line up. After a short prayer, they’re dismissed to the Children’s Ministry Room, located directly behind (west of) the sanctuary. After service, parents or guardians will pick up kids at the Children’s Ministry Room by signing them out.
On the 5th Sunday of the month, we have a Children’s Led Worship Service! Our young people are assigned reading parts to further connect what they’re learning and apply it in the worship service. During the summer and for some special services (Christmas, Easter, etc.) we will not have our normal designated Children’s Ministry time, but offer coloring sheets and crayons for kids.
Wiggle Room
Needing a little space for your 0-PreK age child(ren)? Stretch out and move around with your little one(s) in the Wiggle Room (located next to the Children’s Ministry Room, behind the sanctuary). The worship service audio is connected through a speaker so you can still participate, while enjoying space and toys.

Get Involved
We love our volunteers and team leaders! We praise God for our Children’s Ministry and Youth Teams! Most Sundays we have 4 volunteers with the kids, and 3 volunteers for youth activities. We hope to continue to grow and would love for you to join the team! We may also have need for a volunteer nursery in the near future.
For more info, please contact Pastor Steve Schaper.